"Now it was time to build a full scale 'mound bed' with hugelkultur. I had sorted out 10 years of compost, picking out garbage, and organizing it into piles. Each of these piles went into the garden, one after the other..."
In Youngstown, it takes a village to shrink a city
"It’s a slow process. Youngstown didn’t lose more than 60
percent of its population overnight. It could take years, even decades, to
rebuild. It will also take more than a mayor and his plan. To use a turn of
phrase, it will take a village."
New Closeup of Saturn's Largest Moons
"This beautiful new image, captured June 16 by NASA’s Cassini orbiter, highlights the stark differences between Saturn’s two largest moons. Rhea, the grey rock in the foreground, is a cratered, icy world about 950 miles wide. By contrast, Titan, the hazy yellow behemoth in the background, is Saturn’s largest moon at 3,200 miles across."
Disturbingly Evil Birds
"Birds are the most majestic creatures on Earth -- we plaster them
on our cars, flags and coins. You see them soaring up there, and think they're
above all the petty savagery down here on the ground. Well, it turns out they're
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